Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Good Bye..

Good Bye, I say to the year 2009.
I have to let go.
To let go all of my worries, letting it flow away with the passing of the year.
As I step into a new skin and shed the old.

All this while, I kept struggling to keep afloat.
Giving excuses, being stubborn and obsessed.
I try to hide under all these to keep me safe from further wounds.

I'm sick and tired of everything.
I don't want to carry so much on my shoulders.
I thank all my friends who have been there for me,supported and cared for me.
Ironclad, I will rise again.
My hopes and wishes will come with the rising tide of the new year, 2010.

1 comment:

yien1217 said...

wish all the best to u in every day... :-)